Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stupid Cyber Space!

Well, I know it looks like I already blew the whole "blog once a week" deal but I didn't honest. I posted last week, hit "publish" and left...I come back today to discover that blogger ate my post. Not fair!

Anyway, on to todays misc. nothings. One of Dad's gloves is done. First huge sock is 3/4 done...worked on bits and pieces of the others but basically everything had to go on hold. DD (5 yo) requested a poodle costume so...and since we all know that poodles are more important than anything else I am working on the poodle costume...it's very cute but I'm feeling a tad guilty over the list..not guilty enough to stop the poodle but guilty.

Yep it's short but I'm keeping my promise even in the middle of year end!

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year

Ok, I admit it, I set this blog up months ago, wrote a single post, decided it wasn't good enough and I'd fix it later and ....well later never came so I'm trying again.

Here is my accountability statement "I will blog once a week".

Now, the entire concept of being accountable would involve people reading my statement and holding me accountable to it but since I doubt anyone would be interested in my various ramblings I'm going to attempt to be accountable only to me...in spite of the fact that this plan has failed uncountable times in the past I'm still going to do it.

Ok, now on to the good stuff!

Crafting plans for the immediate future
1 Finish Dad's convertible gloves
2 Make Mom convertible gloves (note to self, do not present handknit gifts to spouse in public if you do not wish to find yourself making many many more of same!)
3 Force myself to finish big socks with scratchy yarn (too much time invested to frog and the lace is lovely even if it will never fit me) - to be fair the yarn probably isn't scratchy (Paton Kroy in Muslin) but the fact that my first lace socks are too big means I'm irritated enough to find it scratchy.
4 Start nieces birthday gift (debating on matching socks and hat ~she's 15, it makes sense in her world~)
5 Start double soled socks for me!
6 Work on gift afghan - time to promote this WIP into a FO!

There, nice small list and tons of time, only real deadline is nieces birthday the end of March!

See, boring but posted! I'm improving!