I know, I know! It's been months. I'm trying to be a good blogger, honest....and I could list the excuses but lets just leave it at...I'll try again!
I've recently discovered Ravelry..adoring it...it might even help me clean out the wip pile...it feels really really good to move that bar to 100%!
I have to frog a convertible glove..no idea where my head was...I make my share of mistakes...I've made the classic mistake of making 2 right hand gloves, I've accidently put the thumb on the back before but this mistake takes the cake......I...get this...I put the fingers on backwards, the pinky is above the thumb! How in the world could I knit all those stitches in 4 fingers, knit the mitten part and yep, I'm admitting it, not even see the mistake until I was ready to wrap it as a gift...how stupid am I? Oh well, at least it's fixable, knitting can always be redone.
And on that note, I'm heading off to frog and knit!