Sunday, March 30, 2008

I got lost!

Ok, that's not completely true.

I'm really trying to get into the blogging habit but I keep forgetting.

I read tons of blogs and everyone seems so much more interesting, more fun, more MORE than me that I get intimidated.

Oh well, here I go again...

I've accomplished quite a bit, not nearly as much on the needles/hook as usual...only 3 real projects and 2 of those are socks so nothing challenging. Well, a bit challenging....

I'm working on the Dovetail Pullover (Meg Swanson) from the current issue of Interweave Knits (I think it's Spring 2008 but it's not in front of me). I adore this sweater and think it might help my poor short body look not so short but that might just be fantasy! The pattern is very straight foward and lovely but I'm trying to adjust the waist shaping and I think my math was off. I'm debating frogging it and starting again or trying to convince myself that I'll forget the edges aren't perfect. Looks like I'll have to visit the frog pond.

I'm also trying to decide on a shawl for a wedding this summer, I want it interesting but not so challenging that I don't have a hope of finishing it.

Anyway, that's my boring, not fun blog for today.

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